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Dutch/Frisian Names

Dutch and Frisian are two completely different languages, so the given names will often be completely different, as will the surnames. If you can determine that your ancestor had a Frisian name, you have narrowed your search to the province of Friesland--or if you can determine that it is Dutch, you have probably eliminated the province of Friesland. Example: My Grandfather was from Friesland. His name was Jenneke; this translated to John. But if he had come from one of the other provinces of the Netherlands his name would have been Johannes or Jan and translated to John. Surname endings are often big clues. Examples: If a name ends with "ma", such as Douwma, or "stra", such as Leenstra, it is probably Frisian. If you aren't sure what part of the Netherlands your ancestors came from, I recommend that you do some study on Dutch and Frisian names. It may help you to narrow your search.

Below you will find a list of Dutch/Frisian given names and their English translations. I have used two lists compiled by others and some additions from my own research to come up with this list. I am not an expert on Dutch/Frisian names so there could be errors. The Dutch/Frisian translations include full names as well as nicknames. In some cases I have mixed the masculine and feminine forms. There are, of course, lots of Dutch/Frisian names that don't seem to have any English translation.

English Translation Dutch/Frisian


Abel Abel
Abigail, Abigal Abeltje (fem. of Abel)
Abraham Abraham, Bram
Adam Adam, Daam
Adeline Letje
Adolph/Adolphus Dolf
Adrian/Hadrian/Adrienne Adriaen, Arien, Adriaantje, Ariaan, Ariaantje, Arie, Adriana, Adriance
Agatha Aaghie, Aahie, Aagt, Agt,Aechtie
Agnes Agnietje, Angeniete, Agneta, Anghe, Eike, Ikee, Oetje, Oeycke, Outie, Yke
Albert/Albertina Aldert, Albertus, Bertus, Tietje, Tientje, Tiletje,Tit
Alban Albinus
Alexander Sander
Alice Aaltje, Aeltje, Aeltie, Adda, Alerta, Daatje
Alida Alta
Ambrose Ambrosius, Abros
Andrew Andreas, Andries, Dries
Angelica/Angel/Angelina Engel, Engelina, Engeltje Ann, Anna, Annie, Anna, Anneken, Annetje, Tanneken, Tanna,
Annachet, Antie, En, Entje, Eyntje
Anthony Antheunis, Anthonis, Antonius,Theunis, Teunis, Tonjes, Tonnes, Tool, Toon
Antoinette/Antonia Toontje, Teuntje
Arabella Beletje
Arnold Arnoldus, Arent, Arendt, Nol, Aernoudt
Arthur Aart, Aert, Arte
Audrey Ethilrede
Augustine/Austin Augustyn


Baldwin Boldwijn, Boudeweyn, Boudje, Boele, Bauduyn
Balthazar Balt, Baltje, Balthazar, Baltrus
Barbara Barber, Bartje, Berber, Barbel, Barbara
Barent Barent
Bartholomew Bartholomeus, Bart, Bartel, Bartelmus, Maas, Meewes
Beatrice Badeloch, Beatrice
Benjamin Benjamin
Bernard Barend, Bernd, Barendt
Bernardina Dientje, Dina
Bertha Baertie, Beartie
Beverly Baefje
Boniface Bonifaas
Bridget Brigje, Brecktje, Brechtie, Bregitta


Caesar Caesar, Casar
Casper Caspar, Casparus
Catherine/Katherine Catrijn, Kaat, Katrijn, Tryntje, Trijn, Catharina, Catharyn, Catalyn, Cataline, Catalina,
Cecilia/Celia Celetje, Celitje, Celia, Seletje, Selie
Charity Sierrity, Tjaatje, Zjarritjen
Charles/Carl/Karl Carel, Ceerles, Cheerelz, Karel, Kareltje
Charlotte Lotje, Tjarels, Sjarel
Christian Christiaen , Kersten, Korsten, Kris, Krischan, Kruschen, Shaan, Tsassen, Tzisso
Christina/Christine Christina, Christine, Christyntie, Christyn, Chrescyntie, Styntje, Styntie, Stijntje, Krisje, Kristel,
Christopher Christoffel, Stoffel, Toff, Toffels
Clara/Claire Klaar, Klaartje, Clara, Claertje, Claertie
Claud/Claude Claude
Conrad Coenraedt, Coenraet, Coenradus, Coenraadt, Coenraad
Constance Stans
Cornelia Cheiltje, Kee, Keetje, Neeltje, Cornelia
Cornelius Case, Cornellis, Cornelis, Kees, Keesje, Koris, Krelis, Krelius, Kors
Crispin Crispijn
Curt Coert
Cynthia Seytie, Sitske, Sytje


Daniel Daniel
David David, Daaf, Douwe
Debora/Deborah Diewertje, Divertje, Dievertje, Diever, Diver
Dennis Denys
Dirk/Derek Dirck
Dominic Dominicus
Dora Dortchen
Dorothy Door, Doortje, Dort, Dorothea, Dorathee, Dorothe


Edward Eduart, Eduwart, Eeltje
Egbert Egbert, Epje
Elbert Elbert
Eleanor Eleanoor, Lenoor
Elise Lezart
Elizabeth Elisabeth, Lysbeth, Lysbethje, Beth, Betje
Elsie Elsje, Uilkje, Oeke
Emily/Emma Emmmetje, Emmetie
Emmanuel Emmanuel
Enoch Enoch
Ephraim Frem
Eustace Staats
Eva/Eva Aetje, Aefje, Eefje, Ifje
Ezekiel Ezechiel


Fernando Fernande
Florentina Floortje, Florentijntje
Florian Floris
Frances/Fanny/Francine Femmetje, Francijntje, Fransje, Francina,
Francis Frans, France, Francois, Francoys, Frnaciscus, Francyntie
Frederic/Frederick Fritz, Freek, Frerk, Friko, Fredrick


Gabriel Gabriel
George Goris, Joris, Jurgen, Jurian, Jurn
Geral Geurt
Geraldine Geert, Gerritje
Gerard/Gerarda/Gerardina Garret, Geert, Gerrit, Geesje, Desin
Gertrude Geertie, Geertje, Geertrui, Geertruida, Geertruyd, Trul, Truitje
Gilbert Bert, Gijs, Gijsbertus, Gysbert, Byslbert
Giles Geleyn, Gellis, Gelles
Godfrey Godfried
Goeffrey/Jeffrey Govert
Gustave Gustavus
Guy Guido


Hannah Hanna
Harry Haricken, Harrick
Helen/Helena Eelet, Heyltje, Helena
Henriette/Henrietta/Harriet Hendrickje, Hendrica, Hentje, Jetje
Henry Enrik, Hein, Hientje, Hendrick, Hendricus, Hentrick
Hercules Herkel, Herck, Harck, Henk
Herman Harman, Harmen, Manus, Harmanus
Hester Hester
Hezekiah Hiskia, Smiaa
Hilda Hilletje, Hilligond
Hubert Huybert
Hugo/Hugh Huigen, Huyck, Huyge, Huyg


Ida Eytic, Ydtje, Ida
Isaac Yzaak, Isaac, Isacq, Isac
Isabella/Isobel Isabel, Ibel, Bell, Bella


Jacob/James/Jim Jacob, Jacobus, Jaap, Jaapie, Jacobje, Jaepje, Jobje, Japic, Joaptie, Jacoba, Koosje, Koba,
Chime (includes feminine forms which do not exist for this name in English.)
Jacques Jacques
Jacqueline Jacomyntje, Jacomyntie
Janet, Jane Jaantje, Janneken, Jannetje, Janotje, Jansje, Jantina
Jasper Casper
Jemima Jacomyntje
Jenny Justje, Jenne
Jeremiah Jeremias
Jerome Hieronimus, Jeronimus
Joachim Jochem
Joan/Johanna/Joanne Hansje, Johanne
Job Job
John/Jack/Johnny Jan, Joannes, Johannes, Hans, Hannes, Jenneke
Jonas/Jonah Jonas
Joseph Joost, Joseph
Josephine Josyntje, Josyntie
Judith Judith, Judick
Juliana Juliaantje
Julia Jeltje
Julius Jelke
Jurgen Jorgen
Justin Justin


Kathleen, Kate, Kitty Katryntje, Kaatje, Kesia, Kaatje


Lambert Lambert, Lambrecht
Lawrence/Laurence Urens, Louw
Lenore Leonora
Leo Lieve
Leonard Leen, Leendert
Leticia --Tietje, Tytie
Lewis/Louis/Ludwig Lodewijk, Loures, Ludovicus, Lolle, Liewe, Lieuwe
Lisa Lijsje, Lysje
Lisbeth Lijsbert, Lys, Lysbet
Lucretia Lucretie
Lucy Lucia, Lucie
Luke/Lucas Lukas, Luytje, Luycas
Lydia Lydia, Lydea, Lidia


Madge Griet
Magdalena/Madelaine Magdaleentje, Leentje, Lena, Marregante
Marcus/Mark Marcus
Margaret/ Meg/Peg/Peggy Margit, Margriet, Margrietje, Griet, Grietje, Margarietje, Margarietie
Maria/Mary/Marie Maria, Marye, Marijken, Maritie, Mayken, Marritje, Maritje, Marij, Maybe, Marytje
Martha Metjen, Marttha
Martin Maarten, Martijn, Marten, Martinus
Martina Maartje, Martijntje
Mathilda/Matilda Machteld, Magtelt
Matthew/Matthias Mattheus, Matthys, Teeuw, Teeuwis, Thys, Mathias, Tijs
Maurice/Morris Morice, Marritius
Michael Giel, Machiel, Micheltjen, Michiel
Mimi Mijntje, Wimpje, Wyntje
Monica Monika


Nancy Na
Nicholas/Nick Claes, Klaas, Klaasje, Nicolas, Nicolaas
Nicole Claesje


Obadiah Obadja
Oliver Olivier


Paul Pouw, Powles, Paulus
Paulina Paultje, Paylyntie,
Peter Pier, Piet, Pieter, Petrus, Pieetr
Petronella Petronella, Pietje, Pieternelly, Nelly
Phillip Phlip, Philip
Phillipa Philippe


Rachel Gepje, Rachel
Ralph/Rolph Roelof, Rolfe
Randall Randolph
Raymond Reimond
Rebecca Rebecca
Regina Regina
Resolved Resolveert
Reuben Ruben
Reynold Reindert, Reinier, Reinoud
Richard Rijkaard, Rijkerd, Ritsert, Rutsjert, Rykaa, Ritsgert
Robert Robbert
Roger Rutger, Rutgert, Rut
Rosamund Rozemond
Rosetta Roosje
Rosina Resyntje
Rowland/Roland Roeland
Rudolph/Rudy Roedolf, Rudolphus, Ruudt, Ruud
Rupert Rip


Sabastian Sebastiaen
Samson Simson
Samuel Saam, Samuel
Sarah/Sally Saartje, Seer, Sasze, Taatje, Selitje
Simeon/Simon Simon, Simen, Sijmen
Solomon Saal, Salomon
Sophia/Sophie Fick, Fletje, Futje, Sefia, Sophie, Fytie
Stephen/Steven Stephen, Stephanus
Susan/Susanna Zanneke, Sanna, Sanneke, Sannertje, Santje


Theobold Tiebout
Theodore/Theodoric Dorus, Derick, Dierderick, Dirk, Dirkje
Theodosia Doostie
Theresa Tressje, Tjitske
Thomas Thomas
Timothy Goverd, Tijmen, Tomatius, Tymen, Timotheus
Titus Titus
Toby Tobias
Tracy Tressje (see Theresa)


Ursula Orselina, Urseltje


Valentine Valentijn, Veltje
Victor Victoor
Victoria Victorie


Walter Wout, Wouter
Wilhelmina Mijntje, Mimmi, Wyntje, Willemintje, Wellemtje, Willemyn, Wimpje, Willemke, Wim
William/Willy Willem, Wim, Willempje, Wiebe
Winifred Wiepkje, Wyntie

Contributed by Dan Burrows

Page content reviewed and/or updated by the Advisory Board 2022 Dec

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